Genoveva Galarza Heredero

Crafting Software

I am a vocational programmer, a compulsive traveler and a passionate entrepreneur.
Being always interested in AI and Computational Linguistics, I spent four years in Hyderabad, India, working at Infosys Labs on the development of context-aware systems. This gave me the chance to dedicate a lot of my time to studying NLP solutions and applying those on smart search, relationship extraction, discourse resolution and human-computer interaction for speech-based agents.
In the meantime I developed an interest in the rise of Collaborative Consumption and its possitive effect on developing nations, which led me to co-found my first start-up, RideIT, a ridesharing service for companies which has won multiple Indian and international social entrepreneurship awards. Currently working with the Wikimedia Foundation to increase the availability of free knowledge online, with the main focus on those languages which are currently underrepresented online.
I love to code with the good guys.
Madrid, ESP

Work Experience

Nov, 2020


4 years 3 months

Software Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation

The nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge. WMF hosts Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, created, edited, and verified by volunteers around the world, as well as many other vital community projects.


  • Work on the development of Abstract Wikipedia, a project that aims to create a language-independent version of Wikipedia using structured data from Wikidata

Sep, 2019

Sep, 2020

1 year

Founding Member and Developer, IUVIA

IUVIA is a privacy-by-design device and operating system that allows anyone to own their data, host their cloud services at home and enjoy all the operative benefits of the cloud without its privacy issues.


  • Work on the design and development of the IUVIA Platform, a suite of software pieces to run and easily setup a self-hosting server.
  • Help design and develop a protocol of self-contained and self-describing applications using AppImages.
  • Develop the IUVIA Platform management interface using Django REST framework and Vue.
  • Develop a product and a sustainable business model to regain ownership over our own data and end surveillance capitalism.
  • Received funding as part NGI Ledger, an initiative under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Oct, 2016

Aug, 2019

2 years 10 months

Software Engineer, OpenShine

OpenShine is a Spanish company founded by a group of high qualified professionals with a well-known trajectory inside Open Source Software world. Its goal is to stay on top of the newest Big Data and Cloud technologies in order to build high quality solutions for our clients. OpenShine is driven by our love for good quality code, administrative transparency, good work ethics and an horizontal and colaborative structure.


  • As a full stack developer, architect and build different projects using Django, Django REST framework, Vue and Angular.
  • Provision and manage different infrastructures using container and cloud tools.
  • Build fully automated CI/CD pipelines using gitlab-ci, Docker and Ansible.
  • Build auto-scalable multi tenancy systems.
  • Obtain Angular and Vue advanced skills by doing pretty much anything.
  • Conceive, develop and mantain the biggest colaborative and Open Source platform for free webcomic hosting in Spanish:

Jan, 2013

Sep, 2016

3 years 8 months

Co-Founder and CTO, RideIT

RideIT is an Indian startup operating on the urban transport sector. RideIT is an online multi-platform service that helps employees share their rides. RideIT offers a wide range of features to falicitate public or private vehicle sharing to our customers - as part of its B2C vertical -, and offers full transport solutions to companies - B2B. RideIT approaches the challenge of indian transport sharing by specializing on a route-based matching algorithm to maximize the relevance of search results, and collecting and analyzing information of the hourly rides happening in urban areas.


  • Design and build a modular, scalable, efficient and reusable architecture for RideIT different features.
  • Design and build the core route-matching algorithm.
  • Manage the development team, build and maintain efficient and collaborative development in an international and plural team.
  • Build and maintain a layered network architecture with zero downtime deployments using docker containers.
  • Reache the consumer space, facilitating public and private vehicle sharing to more than 20,000 users, and provided eco-conscious transport solutions to companies as part of its B2B model.

Mar, 2015

Sep, 2015

6 months

Data Scientist, Quarizmi AdTech

Quarizmi AdTech is an Advertising Technology company changing the way paid search is done. It applies Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing and Generation (NLP and NLG) to create highly profitable and scalable long tail campaigns that complement other PPC efforts, to bring an overall increase of up to ten-fold.


  • Build software that uses different NLP techniques - statistical and symbolic - to analyze large sets of user-written queries and utterances.
  • Build applications to help on keyword analysis, understand the possible user generated mistakes - grammar errors, abbreviations -, and generate trustworthy corrections.
  • Build NLG tools to automatically generate relevant and engaging ads according to the AdWords constrains and definitions parting from very large sets of relevant keywords.

Jul, 2012

Dec, 2013

1 year 6 months

Research Associate, Infosys

Worked at Infosys Labs - R&D unit of Infosys -, specializing on Natural Language Processing, Activity Context Aware Systems and Semantic Technologies for new generation digital workspaces.


  • Designed and created different speech-based agents in different domains using Nuance Speech Recognition engines.
  • Built discourse and semantic grammars and interaction FSMs and data models that would define the context and domain of the speech-based agents.
  • Wrote, published and presented articles in diverse national and international AI conferences
  • Mentored various interns coming as part of the InStep program

Sep, 2010

Jul, 2012

1 year 10 months

Junior Research Associate, Infosys

Worked at Infosys Labs - R&D unit of Infosys -, in the group C-KDIS - Centre for Knowledge-Driven Intelligent Systems - as a specialist in Natural Language Processing for Knowledge work Support Systems.


  • Building the theoretical base of a novel class of knowledge management systems
  • Exploring WordNet and NLP techniques in the frame of Information Extraction and Retrieval from unclassified and untagged texts.
  • Create the architecture for a smart digital and context-aware workspace (NGDW)

Jan, 2008

Sep, 2008

8 months

Developed different educational projects for the study of dynamic systems and fractal mathematics


2003 to 2008

Engineering in Computer Science
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (FI, UPM)
GPA: 7.05

2008 to 2009

Final Project
Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA)
GPA: 10


Front End
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • ES6
  • Angular
  • Vue.js
  • Webpack
  • D3.js
  • ECharts
  • Highcharts
  • Jest
  • Karma
Back End
  • Python
  • Django
  • Django REST framework
  • Flask
  • NodeJS
  • J2EE
  • PHP
Sysadmin and DevOps
  • Linux
  • Unix
  • GCP
  • AWS
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Vagrant
  • Gitlab-ci
  • Ansible
  • Google Professional Cloud Architect
Computational Linguistics
  • Stanford NLP
  • NLTK
  • WordNet
  • FrameNet
  • SRGS
Other Languages
  • C++
  • Haskell
  • Prolog
  • Java
  • Bash
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Cassandra
  • ElasticSearch
  • Redis
  • RocksDB


Feb, 2014

Best Social Venture
Microsoft Youth Spark Live

RideIT awarded as best social venture at the global Microsoft YouthSpark tech business competition.

Mar, 2014

Second Best Social Business
APTE Summit, Ohio State University

Participated in the APTE (Alleviating Poverty Through Entrepreneurship) 2014 Summit in Columbus, Ohio, and won the second prize at the APTE Social Business Competition.

Dec, 2014

Best Go Green! Business
World Summit Youth Award

The World Summit Youth Award is a global contest which brings together young developers and digital entrepreneurs who use internet and mobile technology to put the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) into action.

Mar, 2015

Hottest Tech Start Up
Hyderabad Software Enterprises Association

RideIT won the Best Software Product Start-up at Consumer Early Stage, in the HYSEA Summit & Awards 2015, Hyderabad (India)


Support Systems for Knowledge Works: A perspective of future of Knowledge Management Service, Proceedings of ICSEM 2011
Published on: Sep, 2011
Efficient Service Management in Healthcare Work: Harnessing Biomedical Linked Open Data, Proceedings of ICSEM 2011
Published on: Sep, 2011




Art and Illustration
  • Sketching and painting
  • Free and open graphic tools
  • Digital coloring with Krita
  • Vector art with Inkscape
  • 20 years doing ASCII art
  • Comic reader
  • Comic creator using Procreate
  • Webcomic online culture
  • Developer and maintainer of
  • Experimental music geek
  • Flutist
  • Collector and player of worldwide traditional flutes
  • Rural life lover
  • Gardener and plant whisperer
  • Ecologist
  • Vegetable grower


It is my pleasure to recommend Genoveva. We worked together in Quarizmi AdTech and I was impressed with her deep knowledge in Natural Language Processing, Programming with Java, Redis Databases and Docker. She is a brave, very determined and, of course, a hugely skilled person with an admirable talent. I can say with confidence that she would be a very valuable worker for any team.
— Iván Vallés Pérez
Genoveva came to us as part of the premier InStep program, and chose to join us full time. She went on to have first author publications, presentated her work on Activity Context-aware Systems at AAAI, mentored very successful interns, helped create discourse and semantic grammars for intelligent speech-enabled context-aware systems in multiple domains, and was always a jovial presence for the research team. Genoveva exhibited great leadership traits through her work with RideIT which was adopted by many corporations. She has great potential for further growth!
— Vikas Agrawal